Update: July Vigil, 7/4

Hey, guys!

As part of my July religious project, I’m going to be holding a vigil tonight and tomorrow. I will be praying and conducting sacrifices and candle-lighting rituals tonight, in accordance with my July resolution. Since it’ll be in full ceremony, I’d like to invite those with pressing religious or “real life” issues and demands to send me a note about their problems and I’ll add a prayer for you (or whoever you’re praying for) into my vigil.

Tonight will be mainly focused on the Gaulish gods and the ancestors. Obviously, my ancestors may not be your ancestors, and I don’t think it’s quite proper to offer a prayer to one’s ancestor on one’s behalf, so I won’t offer that. But if you’d like me to write a prayer for you on behalf of the gods, I would absolutely love to.

Tonight, I will definitely, without a doubt, be honoring Cernunnos, Epona, Rosmerta, and Taranis. I will likely also be honoring Cathubodua, and may include others aside from the “general honoring of gods and spirits.” Prayers for the vigil tonight will largely be conducted in a prayer-and-candlelight format.

Tomorrow’s half of the vigil will include, alongside household cult practices, a devotional rite to Lady Liberty (who you can read more about here, in my post on American gods and patriotism), and a respectful rite to Anima America/the land-and-culture spirit of America, in accordance with the national celebration of Independence Day, alongside the usual religious suspects. This conclusion of the vigil will include a bonfire and particular sacrificial rites that I might explain further later.

In any case, if you have a petition or prayer in mind for the Gaulish gods, or you want your name tossed in for Lady Liberty, let me know, and I’ll include you in the rites.

Have a nice weekend, lovelies! Meanwhile, I’ll do my best to do the same.

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